Wednesday, March 10, 2010


We get so caught up in the titles. Who is that? How are they related? Are they REALLY related? Why do you care?(yes I've been asked that)

A collection of organisms huddled for their mutual survival enhancement?
A mass of entities organized for maximum effectiveness?

How about a hodge podge of chaotically interwoven emotional flesh bags coagulating spiritually to provide self serving reasons for continued existence?

It really doesn't matter what you call them. That's really the point.

If family to you is a stray cat, a drunk uncle, and an old lady that smells like oreo cookies, embrace it.

For many of us, we come from large families and too often take the relationships for granted. It's just how we grew up. And now, well into my 40's, I look around and feel blessed. Two great daughters, an awesome son, an incredible godson, and 4 brothers, most of whom I am close with. My mom and dad are still around, and I thank the stars every day they are here. My wife, most of all, feeds me purpose for life itself.

And then there are those who have nothing. No siblings, or worse, siblings who won't socialize with them. No interconnectivity between souls.

Repression sets in then, a streamlined focus of purpose which allows them to fill the voids created by the lack of children or social embrace so yearned for by even the most resolute of people.

I will probably edit this later, just letting a bit of my brain fall out.

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